Cumberland Bands Cumberland Bands is the instrumental music education program for Cumberland County Public Schools, Cumberland, VA Tue, 10 Oct 2023 16:35:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 October 2023 Newsletter Tue, 10 Oct 2023 16:35:03 +0000 Hi there,

This is Tyler Cosley, the director of bands at Cumberland Middle and High School. This is the first official “email newsletter” I am sending out with very important information. These updates will happen more often now that I have the emails I need! If you feel you have been added to this email list by accident, simply respond to let me know. If you did not receive this via email and would like to, please reach out.

Our band students have been participating in our first fundraiser of the school year; the famous cookie dough fundraiser! Students have done a great job so far being advocates for the band program. All cookie dough money and order forms has been extended to tomorrow in class, 10/11.

If you are not already signed up in the REMIND app, please sign up! It is how I communicate with Band Parents/Guardians quickly via text message updates. To sign up, please text the message “@8deec3a” to the number: 81010

The marching band recently traveled to Hermitage High School for their first competition and presented a wonderful performance of their halftime field show. The band received an average rating of 3 (GOOD!) and excellent comments from the judges. Their next competition will take place at Midlothian High School on 10/21, and their last performance will be their state marching assessment on 10/28. These performances are mandatory for students involved in marching band, as indicated by their signed commitment forms.

We are always looking for parent/guardian chaperones and volunteers to help with these events… I fully believe the success of our events is majorly impacted by the amount of parent/guardian support we have! If you are interested in helping out, please let me know! If you are interested in being more involved with the Band Program here at Cumberland, please reach out to Mrs. Kinney or I and we can help get you set up to be a part of our Band Boosters (CBB) program (copy and paste links below for more info).

In class, Wind Ensemble (composed of 8th-12th grade students), Concert Band (composed of 6th-7th grade students), and Beginning Band (5th grade) all have been hard at work preparing for their Winter Concert on Tuesday, December 5th at 7:00 pm. Students are required to participate in this concert as well as the Thursday, November 30th after-school rehearsal that is used to prepare for the concert. The rehearsal and the concert are major class grades.

I have greatly enjoyed working with the students here in Cumberland so far this year and eagerly anticipate our upcoming performances! As always, if you have questions, please feel free to reach out!

CBB Welcome Letter:



Tyler Cosley
Cumberland County Public Schools
Director of Bands
Longwood University ’23

Marching Band Information Thu, 29 Jun 2023 23:26:53 +0000 Good evening!!

We are just over a week away from camp and we are gearing up for an awesome start to the season.

Just a reminder that there is no transportation provided from the school. Please reach out if you have a concern or transportation need.

Also, please let us know if you are able to help others get to camp via carpooling.

See you soon!

Tyler Cosley, Director (804)445-4356

Victoria Kinney, Assistant (804)514-6598

New Director and Marching Band Camp! Wed, 21 Jun 2023 01:05:31 +0000 Happy Summer to all our wonderful band people!

We are excited to welcome Tyler Cosley as the new director of Cumberland Bands. The website will be updated with his information as soon as possible.

We are just under 3 weeks away from Marching Band Camp where we will be learning the final details of the show. Here are a few things you need to know…

Dates and times: Monday – Friday, 7/10-7/14/23 and 7/17-7/21/23 from 9am -5pm *** Transportation will not be provided.***

What to wear: Athletic wear and athletic shoes: We will be outside and you will need to be able to move comfortably.

What to bring: Water bottle; Lunch; Snacks – We will not be providing water bottles. There is a water fountain available to refill the bottles. All students are responsible for their own lunch and snacks.

Commitment Forms: We will have them available for anyone who might need one. Thank you to all who have already turned one in.

Questions or Concerns? Feel free to contact us:

Tyler Cosley, Director – cell: (804)445-4356

Victoria Kinney, Assistant Director – email: cell: (804)514-6598

All good things… Tue, 23 May 2023 17:03:31 +0000 Hello my fabulous band people!

First, a couple of business announcements:

June 17th – Jazz Band Performance (details TBA). Rehearsal times for this performance are also TBA, so please be on the lookout for more details.


July 10 – 14, 9am-5pm
July 17 – 21, 9am-5pm
More details to follow.

Alas, it is time for me to bid adieu to my role as director of the Cumberland Bands program.

I can’t tell you how much the past eight years have meant to me. Most of you don’t know my origin story to Cumberland, but suffice it to say we were both just what the other needed. This has been the best community of children and adults, faculty, staff, and administration. I have so enjoyed this journey with you all, and hope I left things better than I found them.

I can’t thank my wife and family enough for their support of all my journeys this past 30 years — for all the late nights, travel, weekends, etc. They are my rock.

And to Mrs. Kinney, holy cow. I have had no better friend in professional service as she. She has been the bedrock of this program for many years, and we are all SO better off having her here. Her continued service to this program will only make the future of Cumberland Bands even brighter.

If you haven’t met Tyler Cosley, the new director, then you’re in for a treat. He and Mrs. Kinney will no doubt take this program to even greater heights.

If, by any chance, you want to continue to follow my forays into music, then all of my social media links are on my web site:

I wish you all futures with vision and opportunity to make all your dreams come true. For everything there is a season, so grab life while you’re alive. Now is the only time you’re truly afforded.

Peace, love, and blessings — both given and received — to each and every one of you.

Wm. Scott Gordon
Composer for Film, TV, and Interactive Media
cell: 804-687-2532

Cumberland Bands Newsletter – 3/31/23 Fri, 31 Mar 2023 18:27:50 +0000 Hello amazing band people!

Wow, does time fly! We’re headed into a very welcome Spring Break this next week, but we’ll be jumping right into some good band stuff as soon as we get back.

Thurs, April 13, 2023 – All Band Class Students – Spring Concert, 7pm, CMS Cafetorium

All band class students (5th – 12th grade) will stay after school on Thursday 4/13 to prepare for the concert. We will feed everyone.

Concert dress should be elevated from what we wear to school. Boys should wear shirts with collars. Ties are optional. Girls in dresses, skirt and top, or pants outfit. No jean material, hoodies, t-shirts, sweatshirts, athletic wear from anyone, please. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Concert begins at 7:pm, will last about 45 minutes, and you will take your child home afterward.


Tues-Thurs, May 2-4, 2023 – Marching Band Spring Mini-Camp, 3p – 6p
Tues-Thurs, May 9-11, 2023 – Marching Band Spring Mini-Camp, 3p – 6p

Kids will stay after. The 6pm activity buses will be available for your use (details to follow). Students should have athletic shoes for this activity. Hats, sunscreen, and a water bottle is also recommended.


HS/8 Concert Band and Jazz Band in the evening. More details to come!


Grades 7th/8th/HS band students. We’ll stay after school. We will feed everyone. Dress properly for a formal occasion. We’re usually done around 8pm. More details as we get closer.

Enjoy Spring Break everyone!

Keep in touch!

Contact Information
Cumberland Bands Newsletter – 11/29/22 Tue, 29 Nov 2022 17:17:27 +0000 Hello awesome band families.  Here’s what’s coming in the next week:


Friday, Dec 2 – Cumberland Court house Christmas Tree Lighting

—Participating students will stay after school (HS/8th grade band and Chorus)
—Event starts at 6pm with the lighting at 6:30pm
—Students will walk to and from the event
—Pick your student up from the band room 7pm
—A light supper will be provided
—Students should dress warmly in jeans (no holes/tears) and coats

Sunday, Dec 4 – Marching Band to the Farmville Christmas Parade

—Arrive at CHS Band Room @ 12:noon
—Parade starts @ 2:pm
—Return to CHS Band Room @ 4:pm
—We’re marching in full uniform.  Guard members dress festive for the season!


—All band students will stay after school with the band program until the concert (this is a required performance for all band class students, grades 5-12).
—The school system will provide supper for all band students.
—Each student should wear step-up clothes.  Colors options are any combination of black, white, red, and green. No jeans. Boy’s shirts must have collars.
—The concert begins at 7pm in the CMS/CHS cafetorium and will last about 30 mins.
—Please plan to claim your child for transportation after the performance event.

Sunday, Dec 11 – Marching Band to the Cumberland Christmas Parade – Details TBA

Keep in touch!

Contact Information
Cumberland Bands Newsletter – 11/17/22 Thu, 17 Nov 2022 19:02:33 +0000 Hello fantastic band people, and Happy Thanksgiving!

Please forgive the lateness of this post, as I should have had it out earlier in the week. I’m going to give a quick rundown of the Nov/Dec calendar:

==Fri, Nov 18, 2022 – High School/8th Grade Band Class – Farmville Tree Lighting

The HS/8th grade band will be staying after school tomorrow (Friday 11/18), and we will provide a light supper. It’s going to be COLD and we’ll be outside. While we don’t want to look sloppy, I do want every child to dress very warmly with the understanding that we’ll be outside for an hour with the temperature in the low 40s.

4:45pm – we depart for Farmville
5:15pm – Arrive and quickly start playing
6:00pm – actual lighting of the tree, we’ll start playing again
6:15pm – Stop playing, load, depart for the CHS Band Room
7:00pm – Arrive at Band Room

==Fri, Dec 2, 2022 – High School/8th Grade Band Class – Cumberland Tree Lighting

We’re also going to perform right here in Cumberland for our own tree lighting. Details are TBA, but the schedule will likely be similar to the Farmville Tree Lighting.

==Sat, Dec 3, 2022 – Cumberland SANTA BREAKFAST!

Come have your child meet Santa! Breakfast, crafts, a photo with Santa, cookies by the pound, and a whole lot of fun. 8am-12pm. Tickets available now! (FLYER IS BELOW)

==Sun, Dec 4, 2022 – Marching Band – Farmville Christmas Parade

Times TBA, an afternoon event

==Tues, Dec 6, 2022 – All Band Class Students – Winter Concert, 7pm, CMS Cafetorium

More detail will come home after the Thanksgiving holiday. All band students, 5th-12 grade, will perform in the concert, which will last about 30 minutes. This is a required part of being in band class.

Dress should be elevated from what we wear to school, and we’re emphasizing the colors black, white, red, and green. Boys should wear shirts with collars. Ties are optional.

All band students will stay after school. We will set up, rehearse, then I will feed them and give anyone who needs the opportunity to change. Concert is at 7:pm, and you will take your child home afterward.

==Sun, Dec 11, 2022 – Marching Band – Cumberland Christmas Parade

Times TBA, an afternoon event

Here’s a quick list of the rest of the school year’s schedule:

Sat, Jan 7, 2023 – All-District Auditions (for 7th-12th grade band students who opted in)
Thurs, April 13, 2023 – All Band Class Students – Spring Concert, 7pm, CMS Cafetorium
Tues-Thurs, May 2-4, 2023 – Marching Band Spring Mini-Camp, 3p – 6p
Tues-Thurs, May 9-11, 2023 – Marching Band Spring Mini-Camp, 3p – 6p
Fri, May 12, 2023 – Grades 7th/8th/HS band students – CHS Graduation


Keep in touch!

Contact Information
QUICK: 10/22/22 Competition Schedule Tue, 18 Oct 2022 12:49:39 +0000 MARCHING BAND COMPETITION AT POWHATAN HS THIS SATURDAY, 10/22!!!

This is Mr. Gordon’s last-ever marching band competition as a high school band director. You should come see your awesome and undefeated Marching Dukes rock the PHS stadium!

Saturday, October 22, 2022
Powhatan HS – Powhatan, VA

11:00a – Arrive at Band Room – dress in uniform
12:noon – Load da bus! Depart for Powhatan HS
12:30p – Arrive at PHS
2:50p – Performance Time
9:00p – Awards
9:45p – Depart for CHS
10:15p – Arrive at CHS

Return times are approximate.  I will send a message through with an arrival time when we depart PHS.

Eat ahead of time or bring food for lunch. Take a weather-appropriate change of clothes for after your performance. Wear clothing you can use under your uniform to change in public. Don’t forget black socks. Plan to purchase supper/food on site.

Remember:  No one goes home until everything is unloaded and put away.

Cumberland Bands Newsletter – 10/10/22 Mon, 10 Oct 2022 19:30:33 +0000 Hello superior band citizens!

We have a busy week, so be sure to catch everything in this post.


If, by any slim chance, you have not turned in your cookie dough money, then I must have it by tomorrow, Tuesday 10/11/22!


Yes, this year we have a Thursday evening game at home. The band will be participating as it is both a regular-season home game, as well as Senior Night! Let’s send off our seniors with ceremony as we thank them for their years of service!


As a consequence, we will have our regular practice on Friday afternoon, instead. This should be a regularly-scheduled day, practicing from 3pm to 6pm.


We’re competing at Mills Godwin HS: 2101 Pump Rd, Richmond, VA 23238.

Saturday, October 15, 2022
Mills Godwin HS – Richmond, VA

9:30a – Arrive at Band Room – dress in uniform
10:30a – Load da buses! Depart for Godwin HS
11:30a – Arrive at GHS
1:30p – Performance Time
4:15p – A-AA Awards
8:15p – Competition Ends
8:30p – Depart for CHS
9:30p – Arrive at CHS

Return times are approximate.  I will send a message through when we depart GHS, as well as when we arrive at the CHS band room.

Take a weather-appropriate change of clothes for after your performance. Wear clothing you can use under your uniform as THERE ARE NO CHANGING ROOMS AT GODWIN HS. Don’t forget black socks. Plan to purchase meals on site (or bring food).

Remember:  No one goes home until everything is unloaded and put away.


Thurs, Oct 13, 2022 – Marching Band – home varsity football vs Amelia
Sat, Oct 15, 2022 – Marching Band – Mills Godwin HS marching band competition (all day)
Sat, Oct 22, 2022 – Marching Band – Powhatan HS marching band competition (all day)
Fri, Oct 28, 2022 – Marching Band – home varsity football vs Surry County
Fri, Nov 18, 2022 – High School/8th Grade Band Class – Farmville Tree Lighting (times TBA)
Sun, Dec 4, 2022 – Marching Band – Farmville Christmas Parade (Tentative date)
Tues, Dec 6, 2022 – All Band Class Students – Winter Concert, 7pm, CMS Cafetorium
Sun, Dec 11, 2022 – Marching Band – Cumberland Christmas Parade (Tentative date)
Thurs, April 13, 2023 – All Band Class Students – Spring Concert, 7pm, CMS Cafetorium
Tues-Thurs, May 2-4, 2023 – Marching Band Spring Mini-Camp
Tues-Thurs, May 9-11, 2023 – Marching Band Spring Mini-Camp
Fri, May 12, 2023 – Grades 7th/8th/HS band students – CHS Graduation


Keep in touch!

Contact Information
QUICK: 10/1/22 Competition Schedule Tue, 27 Sep 2022 13:07:03 +0000 Hello wonderful band community!


Saturday, October 1, 2022
Midlothian HS – Midlothian, VA

12:noon – Arrive at Band Room – dress in uniform
1:00p – Load da buses! Depart for Midlothian HS
2:00p – Arrive at MHS
4:15p – Performance Time
10:30p – Awards
11:00p – Depart for CHS
12:mid – Arrive at CHS

Return times are approximate.  I will send a message through when we depart Midlo HS, as well as when we arrive at the CHS band room.

Be sure to eat lunch before arriving at noon.  Take a weather-appropriate change of clothes for after your performance. Don’t forget black socks. Plan to purchase supper food on site.

Remember:  No one goes home until everything is unloaded and put away.
