All good things…

Hello my fabulous band people!

First, a couple of business announcements:

June 17th – Jazz Band Performance (details TBA). Rehearsal times for this performance are also TBA, so please be on the lookout for more details.


July 10 – 14, 9am-5pm
July 17 – 21, 9am-5pm
More details to follow.

Alas, it is time for me to bid adieu to my role as director of the Cumberland Bands program.

I can’t tell you how much the past eight years have meant to me. Most of you don’t know my origin story to Cumberland, but suffice it to say we were both just what the other needed. This has been the best community of children and adults, faculty, staff, and administration. I have so enjoyed this journey with you all, and hope I left things better than I found them.

I can’t thank my wife and family enough for their support of all my journeys this past 30 years — for all the late nights, travel, weekends, etc. They are my rock.

And to Mrs. Kinney, holy cow. I have had no better friend in professional service as she. She has been the bedrock of this program for many years, and we are all SO better off having her here. Her continued service to this program will only make the future of Cumberland Bands even brighter.

If you haven’t met Tyler Cosley, the new director, then you’re in for a treat. He and Mrs. Kinney will no doubt take this program to even greater heights.

If, by any chance, you want to continue to follow my forays into music, then all of my social media links are on my web site:

I wish you all futures with vision and opportunity to make all your dreams come true. For everything there is a season, so grab life while you’re alive. Now is the only time you’re truly afforded.

Peace, love, and blessings — both given and received — to each and every one of you.

Wm. Scott Gordon
Composer for Film, TV, and Interactive Media
cell: 804-687-2532