Cumberland Bands Newsletter – 2/25/19

Hello amazing band people!

Lots going on this week. Three different field trips!


Concert band assessment is this week! Every student from 6th grade on up is involved in this required class performance. There are a few students who are playing in both groups. Concert dress is blue band shirt and khaki pants.

Permission slips are going out today, so please make sure they come back tomorrow. The performances are at Powhatan HS on two different days, and they are both the same schedule. I was able to make sure everything happened during the school day this year.

Thursday, February 28th – 6th & 7th Grade Band
11:00am – Load and depart for Powhatan HS
11:45am – Arrive at Powhatan HS
1:00pm – Assessment Performance
1:30pm – Depart for Cumberland
2:15pm – Return to Cumberland

Friday, March 1st – 8th Grade & HS Grade Band
11:00am – Load and depart for Powhatan HS
11:45am – Arrive at Powhatan HS
1:00pm – Assessment Performance
1:30pm – Depart for Cumberland
2:15pm – Return to Cumberland

===WINTER GUARD – Competition 3/2/19 @ Atlee HS===

9:00am – Arrive at CHS Band Room
9:30am – Depart for Atlee HS
11:00am – Arrive at Atlee HS
1:18pm – Cumberland HS Winter Guard Performance
4:00pm – Awards
5:00pm – Depart for Cumberland
6:30pm – Arrive at CHS Band Room

Remember, we all unpack and put everything away before we are dismissed. There will be time to eat at the venue prior to performance, as well as afterward. Please either bring money to eat at the event or plan to bring food enough for your needs.

The final competition for the winter guard is AIA Finals on March 30th at Mt Vernon HS in Alexandria, VA. Details to follow.


Starting this semester, if you wish to chaperone then I will need to have a current photocopy of your driver’s license on file with this school. This is regardless to whether you have provided a copy prior to now. We have moved to a new system and will need new copies. Please let me know if this includes you. You must complete this process if you want to ride the bus or aid in the process of student activity and competition. Thanks for your understanding with this! 🙂


Keep in touch!

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