SCHOOL STARTS WEDNESDAY!!! – Newsletter 8/6/18

Hello awesome band folks!  Lots to touch base on:

1. MARCHING BAND: The marching band show is coming along great. WE HAVE WRITTEN SPOTS IN THE SHOW FOR EACH OF YOU WHO COULDN’T JOIN US FOR JULY BAND CAMP WEEK.  If you signed a contract, then we planned for you to be here!  The show is written, on the field, and the rest of the band is ready to see you on THURSDAY, so be ready to join us in outdoor athletic wear!!! There’s a hole in the drill just for you!!!

Marching band practices on every Tues, Thurs, and Fri from 3pm – 6pm.

2. BAND CLASSES: Everyone bring your instrument, three ring binder, and pencil!  Fifth graders, you’ll need a three ring binder and pencil!

3. BAND BOOSTERS: Parents, we’re getting bigger and bigger.  If you’re willing in any way to help the band booster program, then we’d love to have your talents.  Let me know!


Keep in touch!

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