Cumberland Bands Newsletter – 10/6/2016

Hey, everyone!  Lots of stuff:

BUY SOME COOKIE DOUGH: Every child in the band program is now selling cookie dough and other stuff for our first fundraiser of the year.  Parents, turn-in date is Monday, 10/17.  I would love a couple of parents to be available on that day (during the school day) to help with turn-in.  Let me know if you can help

MARCHING BAND STUFF:  The marching band will be in uniform tomorrow evening!

Marching band shoes are now in, and for the winds/percussion they are $37.50.  For the color guard, they are $35.00.

We will be grilling out by the band room tomorrow afternoon to feed the marching band kids at 5:pm.  If you would like to join us to have a tailgate party prior to the game, we’d love to have you.  While we’re feeding the band members, please plan to otherwise feed your crew.  The grill will be available for anyone who would like to use it.

If you want to help out, we need 2 or 3 cases of drinks.  (maybe Sprite, Coke, Dr Pepper, Diet Coke), a box of 36 mixed chips (dollar store), hot dogs, buns, paper products or some homemade desserts.  Parents can contact Kim Williamson by phone (after 3), text at 804 385 5483 or  email

BAND BOOSTERS:  Congratulations to our new officers. They will serve until next year.

President: Stephanie Johnson
V.P.: Kim Williamson
Treasurer: Krystal Leonard
Secretary: part time split between Juanita Ayers and Tara Rice
contact information to follow

Keep in touch, everyone! Email me.  Call/text if you like (804.687.2532)Scott